2.3.1 – Multiple mode approach to teaching-learning is adopted by teachers which includes experiential learning, participative learning, problem solving methodologies, brain storming, focused group discussion, online mode, etc. for enhancing student learning Describe the varied modes of learning adopted and their basic rationale for adopting such learning mode/s for different courses of each programme
2.3.2 – Number of teachers integrating ICT (excluding use of PPT) for effective teaching with Learning Management Systems (LMS), SwayamPrabha etc., Learning Resources and others excluding PPT during the year
2.3.3 – Number of students using ICT support (mobile-based learning, online material, podcast, virtual laboratories, learning apps etc.) for their learning, during the academic year
2.3.4 – ICT support is used by students in various learning situations such as Understanding theory courses Practice teaching Internship Out of class room activities Biomechanical and Kinesiological activities Field sports
2.3.5 – Continual mentoring is provided by teachers for developing professional attributes in students Describe the nature of mentoring efforts in the institution with respect to working in teams dealing with student diversity conduct of self with colleagues and authorities balancing home and work stress keeping oneself abreast with recent developments in education and life
2.3.6 – Institution provides exposure to students about recent developments in the field of education through Special lectures by experts Book reading & discussion on it Discussion on recent policies & regulations Teacher presented seminars for benefit of teachers & students Use of media for various aspects of education Discussions showcasing the linkages of various contexts of education- from local to regional to national to global
2.3.7 – Teaching learning process nurtures creativity, innovativeness, intellectual and thinking skills, empathy, life skills etc. among students