2.2.1 – Assessment process is in place at entry level to identify different learning needs of students and their level of readiness to undergo professional education programme and also the academic support provided to students Describe the assessment process at entry level to identify different learning needs of students and their level of readiness to undergo professional education programme and also the academic support provided to students.
2.2.2 – Mechanisms are in place to honour student diversities in terms of learning needs; Student diversities are addressed on the basis of the learner profiles identified by the institution through Mentoring / Academic Counselling Peer Feedback / Tutoring Remedial Learning Engagement Learning Enhancement / Enrichment inputs Collaborative tasks Assistive Devices and Adaptive Structures (for the differently abled) Multilingual interactions and inputs
2.2.3 – There are institutional provisions for catering to differential student needs; Appropriate learning exposures are provided to students No Special effort put forth in accordance with learner needs Only when students seek support As an institutionalized activity in accordance with learner needs Left to the judgment of the individual teacher/s Whenever need arises due to student diversity.
2.2.4 – Student-Mentor ratio for the academic year. – Number of Mentors in the Institution.